C-Zentrix Pioneers Agent-Gamification for Progressive End-user Customer Experience

C-Zentrix, global leader in software products for contact center and enterprise level applications for voice and data sets a new benchmark in taking contact center technology to a completely new level by paving way for seamless 360° experience for the end customer. Innovating on to exemplify the agent’s experience while waiting in between calls is amongst one of the key challenges to boost end-user experience.

Speaking on the occasion, Saket Setu, CEO, C-Zentrix said “We at C-Zentrix are reimagining and innovating the Contact Centre dynamics to delight the agents and work collaboratively for their business growth. We are relentlessly working to integrate analytics into our existing solutions to facilitate smarter and real time decision making for our clients. Befitting the new global trends, our solutions shall be moving from multichannel to Omni-channel customer engagement model.”

Adding says Saket, “Owing to the emerging new level of customer connect, C-Zentrix aims to pioneer ‘Agent Gamification’, a methodology to enrich an agent’s experience while waiting on a call. A variety of our products are in the pipeline to address these, as the company seeks to be the world leader and pioneer to address agent-gamification.”

C-Zentrix’s existing offerings include C-Zentrix Shared Cloud (CSC) and C-Zentrix Dedicated Cloud (CDC) comes to the fore in its infrastructure- less Contact Centers and acts as a big business enabler for ambitious entrepreneurs. The agile, light on the pocket, hassle free cloud-based solutions are well-equipped to run a small to large-scale call centre with a set up with a capacity of 5000+ seater concurrently.

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