STAR Plus’ longest running show, Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is all set to undergo yet another leap. Ashnoor Kaur who is currently seen playing the role of Akshara and Naitik’s daughter, Naira will be leaving the show making way for actor Shivangi Joshi to play the role of grown up Naira post the leap.
As per the story line getting chalked out, the cast and crew will soon be heading to the holy city of Rishikesh for the upcoming leap in the show. Along with Naira the show will also see another entry in the show. Nisha Aur Uske Cousins fame Mohsin Khan will be seen entering the show as Kartik who will be paired opposite Naira.
Talking about the show, Shivangi said “I am really excited to be part of Yeh Rishta…The story line is extremely interesting. The best part is that I get to play a character extremely close to my age. I am going to be my own self on screen and this is something I am really kicked about. Can’t wait to begin shooting for the show.â€
The two actors will soon begin shooting for the show.
Watch Shivangi Joshi as Naira and Mohsin Khan as Kartik from Monday to Sunday at 9.30 PM only on STAR Plus