Hasbro India LLP has launched the new SPEAK OUT game which challenges players to say ridiculous things while wearing a mouth piece thus, making the entire affair a laughter riot. Mouth piece challenge videos have taken the Internet by storm and the new SPEAK OUT game includes hilarious content from Hasbro’s best-in-class game creators, giving players everything they need to challenge their friends and create shareable laugh-out-loud moments.
‘’We are elated to announce the launch of SPEAK OUT in India. This hilarious game is not only fun to play but also fun to watch. With SPEAK OUT we aim to reach out to the masses. A game like this is ideal for a get together and through this we are curating an exciting experience which is driven by real people and real moments,’’ said, Mr. Bhavesh Somaya, Country Head at Hasbro India LLP.
SPEAK OUT game which is ideal to play with family and friends includes Ten mouth pieces, 200 double sided Content Cards, and a one-minute sand-timer. The laughter riot begins as players try to decipher the sentences correctly and game concludes with the winning of the team who has most cards at the end.
Hasbro has teamed up with comedian Abish Mathew on his popular Digital Talk Show “Son Of Abish†where the guest celebrities will be seen taking up the #SpeakOutChallenge.
The game will be available in India starting this festive season across key toy and book stores and will be exclusively available online on Flipkart. Speak Out game will be retailed at a MRP of INR 1,799/-.
For more information about the SPEAK OUT game, fans can follow @HasbroNews on Twitter, @Hasbro on Instagram and @HasbroGaming on Facebook.
(Ages 16 years & up/ Players: 4-10/Maximum Retail Price: INR 1,799/Available: NOW)
Get ready to be doubled over with laughter with this ridiculous mouthpiece challenge game! The Speak Out game brings friends and family together for laugh-out-loud fun as players try to say different phrases while wearing a mouthpiece that won’t let them shut their mouth. In the Speak Out game, players draw from the deck and read the phrase as best as they can, but it’s not so easy to do when the mouthpiece is hindering them from forming words correctly. The timer counts down as players try to say phrases such as “he’s my stealthy pet ferret name Garrett”, “slow down, you careless clown”, or “pelicans love pollywog falafels.” The laughter continues as players try to decipher what in the world their teammate is trying to say, and must correctly guess the phrase in order to earn the card. The team with the most cards at the end of the game wins. The Speak Out game includes 200 double-sided cards, 5 mouthpieces, and a timer.
- Hilarious fun for family and friends
- Mouthpiece makes speech sound ridiculous
- Includes 200 double-sided cards for lots of phrases